Benazepril acts as an angiotensin-conversant. It decreases certain chemicals that squeeze the blood vessels. This leads to relaxation and impendent dilation of the blood vessels and finally, results in the decrease of the blood pressure in the blood vessels to enable a better flow. It is taken orally by adults but in children, the most preferred form of this medicine by the physicians is as liquid suspension.
All About Taking This Drug
This medicine is available both as liquid suspension and as tablets. It is also consumed with other anti-hypertensive drugs. It is administrated before food or after food. If the patient develops ant south of stomach discomforts like acidity, then it is taken after food. It is dangerous to take over or lesser medicine dose than the prescribed dose because it will lead to complications.
Though this drug lessens the blood pressure, it is not a cure for the disease. Hence, it is advisable to check the blood pressure often. Even though your blood pressure is under control, it is safe to get the physician’s advice before you discontinue using the drug. Usually the physician prescribes a very low dosage in order to be well acquainted with the side effects on the body caused by this drug. Then, he increases the dosage slowly to make the patient familiarize himself or herself with this drug unless the side effects are not vulnerable. The best thing is not to take this medicine under your own perception. You must consult a good physician for using this drug and you should follow the physician’s advice very strictly and discontinue it once he advises it. If you have side effects like drowsiness, cough, headache and dizziness, discontinue the medicine and seek medical advice. If serious symptoms like fever, chills, sore throat, breathing problem, swelling or symptoms of jaundice are experienced, you may undergo a blood examination, which the physician prescribes.
If you have sensitivity towards Benazepril or lisinopril or ACE inhibitors, don’t use the drug. If you ever experience allergic symptoms like swelling of eyes, throat, tongue, or breathing problems, it is not advisable to use this drug. Pregnant women should not take this drug.

Accidental Overdose of Benazepril
The symptoms of overdose occurs fainting and dizziness. In case, the individual faints or finds difficulty breathing, it is better to get emergency medical assistance. Benazepril is sold under the brand name Lotrel.