This problem affects many people in the winter months when the air is cold and all those nasty little viruses are floating around everywhere. A hard cough with yellow, or green phlegm showing up in a day or two that just won’t go away, and an elevated temperature can make you miserable at any time of the year for some . The coughing can be bad enough to make your chest ache too and this is no fun at all. Some people go to the doctor and get prescription medications, others try the natural route of home care for bronchitis fever.
There are a number of herbal teas that serve as a bronchitis cure. If you have a dry hacking cough you can use a mixture of wild cherry bark and marshmallow root. Use one teaspoon of each herb in two cups of hot water and let steep for ten minutes. If you don’t have a tea-ball for the herbs you can put them right in the water and then filter them out with a sieve. Drink a cup three or four times a day to help with the cough and your immune system.
Those suffering from acute bronchitis should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and to loosen up the secretions clogging their lungs, making them easier to expectorate. Placing a warm, but not damp, towel against one’s chest also helps loosen the phlegm, and placing a warm towel around the neck can provide some comfort for the sore throat that often accompanies acute bronchitis. Drinking warm tea with honey can also help.
In addition to viral causes, acute bronchitis can be caused by chemical irritants. These include tobacco smoke, solvents, and gastric reflux. Smoking predisposes people to acute bronchitis. One way to prevent it is to quit smoking. This helps to decrease the amount of tar in the lungs and loosen up the bronchial passages.
Good hand washing is key to preventing most
diseases and anyone who has acute bronchitis or comes in contact with someone who has it should use this as their first line of defense. Experts recommend washing your hands with soap and warm water for a least 15 seconds before and after coming in contact with a person who is ill. This is about the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
People who want to use pelargonium should try Bronovil. The South African flower is Bronovils key ingredient is the South African geranium mentioned above. Pelargonium works by preventing viruses
from attaching to cells in the body. This herb boosts the bodies immune system, which makes it useful for older people and people suffering from HIV/AIDS.